Generator thing

Version 2.

This tool allows you to generate a random string from "sets" of predetermined words. For example, if you wanted a phrase to be generated that said "Bob", "Joe", or "Steve", followed by "is cool" or "is uncool", you can use this tool to randomly select words and put them together.

Small bug: you have to drag and drop something at least once for this to work.

The tool works on the concept of "generators" and "conjunctives". Generators tell the program to pick one phrase from a list of phrases randomly. Conjunctives tell the program to use one set phase. The program joins up the phrases in a set order, with spaces between each phrase. You can drag and drop generators and conjunctives to rearrange the order in which resultant phrases are assembled. You can remove a generator or conjunctive entirely by pressing the "Remove generator/conjunctive" button.

If you want to save a setup or configuration to a local file, and load it at a later data, the "Save config" button allows you to save your configuration as a file. The "Load config" button allows you to upload a config that was saved earlier.

Please avoid using commas (,) and colons (:) in phrases. However, it is fine to use these if you have no intention of saving your config.