ESP32 Partition Editor


This is a web tool for editing partition tables for the flash on the ESP32 family of chips. Partitions tables are written as CSV files, which are then "compiled" and flashed to the ESP32. Usually people manually edit partition files, and have to manually calculate partition sizes and offsets.

This tool aims to provide a graphical interface for setting up partitions (and automatically calculating their sizes and offsets).

The big table in the middle represents the partition table - the headers are the same as the ESP32 CSV format. It's got a few nice features like dropdowns for certain fields. Here's a rough description of each field:

A friendly name for the partition. Names longer than 16 characters long will be truncated.
Usually either app (program code) or data (data storage) (but you can enter other types if needed).
More specific details about what the partition is used for.
Where in flash memory (or how many bytes in) the partition starts. If this is left blank, it will automatically follow on from the last partition
The size of the partition in bytes (or kilobytes or megabytes)
Enable or disable any partition flags (the only one at the minute is encrypted.

New partitions can be added by clicking the New Partition button. Partitions can be removed by clicking the bin icon () beside the partition on the table.
You can import existing partition tables using the Import CSV button, and export tables to CSV format using the Export CSV button.

When you create a partition (either manually or by importing a CSV), it will show up on the gray bar at the bottom of the page. The bar is a graphical representation of the partition layout (the same way that PC partition editors work). You can resize partitions by dragging the edge of a partition block on the bar, and you can move them (ie: change their offsets) by dragging them along the bar. Resizing or dragging these blocks will automatically update the offsets and sizes in the table!

Make sure to specify the size of the flash on the ESP32 you're using (using the input at the top of the page), so that the graphical partition bar can show the partition sizes relative to the flash size!

More details about ESP32 Partition Tables, and the specifics of each field in the table, can be found on the ESP-IDF documentation.

ESP32 Partition Editor - version 1.0

by atctwo

This was created using the following technologies:

I used the ESP-IDF documentation on Partition Tables a lot to create this tool.

You can see the source and report bugs on this project's GitHub page!

Name Type SubType Offset Size Flags